New Sleepwear
There’s no section marked "Novelty Sleepwear" and even if there were I wouldn’t be drawn to it because I consider my Purple Ronnie T-shirt absolutely irreplaceable.
J doesn’t agree, and it’s a funny thing because my reasons for the T-shirt being a unique, irreplaceable thing of wonder happen to correspond exactly with her reasons for it becoming part of next week’s offering to the Rubbish Gods:
- It’s well over 10 years old
- It used to be a bit too warm to sleep in but the large holes and tears that have developed over the most recent half-decade, plus its overall threadbare nature seem to have sorted out the optimum temperature thing
- It is no longer black, but rather a subdued shade of feldgrau-charcoal
- It features a poem about farting
You can explore Purple Ronnie at your leisure HERE. For now, here is the poem as it appears on my beloved old T-shirt:
Perhaps now you understand the raw appeal . . . ?
And there it was: a simple T-shirt. Prussian blue. It looked a good size, felt well made. I pulled it out from behind the other T-shirts . . .
Damn! It had some printing on the front. That’s an automatic disqualification in my book.
Too bad. . .
Just as I was replacing it on the rack, rejecting it out of hand, something in my brain screamed: “It says WHAT?”
If it isn’t 12 inches it isn’t a SCHLONG
Of course, I simply HAD to have it!