Überpet Parade
OK. It begins. The Robskee Blog Űberpet Parade. I will be updating this section with your photos as you send them through. Take the concept laterally if you like and send in pics of pet hates, pet loves . . .

Next is Oscar, who belongs to Andrea. This pic was taken the day after Oscar's annual de-furring. Andrea writes:
Love the "How could you?" look, cleverly combined with the "I hate you, I'm never going to speak to you again" look.Not happy, Jan!

And of course, here's our two. Poor Ziggy: he's working on the misguided assumption it's a simple territorial dispute, while Scout knows it's psychological warfare.

That's F doing Storm's body-painting while Dad J supervises, remarkably paint-splatter free.
I can't remember who it was that first pointed out: "Dogs have owners, cats have staff" . . . How true it is. Here is Frank, in two of her many guises. She has a full-time staff of three:
So regal, so divine . . . kiss me . . .
Such is the mesmerizing power of Frank to fix us so completely in her thrall . . .
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